Distributed Artificial Intelligence track


The aim of this specialization-track is to provide to the students a strong theoretical background in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) with a special focus on a particular domain of AI that has known an increasing development since 1990 namely distributed artificial intelligence (DAI). The aim of DAI is to propose methodologies and techniques that allow the development of intelligent machines that are able to resolve complex problems and to realize complex tasks on behalf of human users in an autonomous way, either acting alone or through the interaction with other machines. Therefore, more particularly the goal of DAI is to propose different techniques for representing the knowledge and modeling the reasoning of computational entities called intelligent agents, that can be software or physical entities i.e. robots, but also for modelling different types of interaction (e.g, distributed planning, automated negotiation, communication, etc.) among several agents by thus developing a particular type of intelligent systems, called multi-agent systems. The theories and techniques of distributed artificial intelligence currently contribute in diverse application domains such as robotics, e-commerce, ambient intelligence, smart cities, internet of things, web services composition, collective decision support, societal simulation, multiplayer games, dispute online resolution, e-negotiation and online auctions, etc.


Career Opportunities

This specialisation-track will give several career opportunities to the students that earn the associated degree. Those students will have a very strong theoretical background that will allow them to make theoretical or applied research in a public laboratory or a research and development department of a public or private company.


Second Year (M2) Courses and Teachers


Education Director :

Pavlos Moraitis